Meet the team

Who we are.

We strive to provide the most valuable services and support in the industry. We bring together content, marketing expertise, market knowledge and experience to provide an unbeatable package.

Stephanie Newlands is an established Broker in the city of Toronto and a Partner at BHHS Toronto. Stephanie has assisted clients for over a decade looking to both buy & sell. Her success has positioned her in the top 1% of realtors on the Toronto Real estate Board for the last consecutive years. She combines market knowledge and professional recommendations in order to help clients make educated real estate decisions. She is passionate about building long lasting client relationships founded on honesty and trust. Her clients applaud her attention to detail and the enjoyable client experience. Stephanie has also become a mentor to many of our realtors looking to expand their business and improve their client relationships. Stephanie’s approach makes purchasing in a competitive market such as Toronto, an enjoyable one!


Senior Partner & Broker

Stephanie Newlands

Our Team